Written by: Karllon Musni
For the longest time, I’ve been afraid to call myself a photographer. My passion for photography came about when I took my first b&w film photography course in 2017. At first, I was contemplating dropping the class because I didn’t know it was a film photography class, but within the next few weeks of taking it, I fell in love with the process. Since then, a day doesn't go by where I don't think about my next shoot.
Nonetheless, I still couldn’t muster up the courage to say I’m a “film photographer.” There are people that have spent years mastering this craft and it never felt like I was good enough— I guess that’s the case for a lot of artists.
I’ve come to a point, though, where I’ve seen the growth I’ve made since I shot my first roll and I’m becoming more proud of the work I create.
Karllon Musni (4th Edition - Featured Artists)