Piecing it Together - Podcast
Submitted by: David Rosen
Piecing It Together is a podcast where we take a look at a new movie and try to figure out what other movies may have inspired it.
Created by award-winning music composer and film lover David Rosen, the show started as a way for David to talk movies with his friends. Rather than just do a regular movie news or review show, he wanted some kind of angle to approach discussing films from, and when he realized he usually describes a film as x meets x meets x meets x… He was already on his way to forming the theme of the show.
Rather than have a constant co-host, he opted to have a revolving cast of co-hosts to keep things fresh and exciting, and also because he has a lot of people he loves talking movies with! Over time he hopes to continue expanding to have more co-hosts, we well as episodes with multiple co-hosts.
For now, he just wants to keep talking movies and keep making episodes while continuing to make Piecing It Together bigger and better.
David Rosen is also the producer of Awesome Movie Year, a movie podcast hosted by film critic Josh Bell and comedian/film-maker Jason Harris (both regular guests on Piecing It Together).